Forcevital - Dynavyte New Zealand

Eat well, do well, stress less ... Holistic healthcare for all animals ...

Forcevital ®

Forcevital is a natural botanically based product that has been developed for equine athletes. Forcevital may help to support a horses' healthy respiratory and circulatory system.

The best results are achieved after using the product for an initial period of ten days and then regular daily usage whilst the horse is in hard work.

Available in a 3Kg pail.

The best results are achieved after using the product for an initial period of ten days and then regular daily usage whilst the horse is in hard work.

Active Constituents

  • Vitamin C 100mg/g
  • Garlic 132mg/g
  • Phytorutoside 100mg/g
  • Cysteine 40mg/g.


Twice Daily mix 1 level measure (25g) into food

Withholding period: NIL

Manufactured in Australia under GMP conditions in an APVMA accredited facility.

Does not contain any FEI prohibited substances as per the January 2023 Register.

FEI Regulatory Information

This product does not contain restricted animal material (RAM)


The best results are achieved after using the product for an initial period of ten days and then regular daily usage whilst the horse is in hard work.


Active Constituents

  • Vitamin C 100mg/g
  • Garlic 132mg/g
  • Phytorutoside 100mg/g
  • Cysteine 40mg/g.



Twice Daily mix 1 level measure (25g) into food


Withholding period: NIL

Manufactured in Australia under GMP conditions in an APVMA accredited facility.

Does not contain any FEI prohibited substances as per the January 2023 Register.

FEI Regulatory Information

This product does not contain restricted animal material (RAM)